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#jobsearch - Bear Hunting

From hobby to profession: How to turn your love for writing into a career

The Power of Writing: Turning your Passion into Profession Aspiring writers often ask themselves how to turn their love for writing into a successful career. With hard work, determination and a clear plan, turning your love of words into a professional career can be within reach. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to turn your writing hobby into a profession. Take Writing Courses The first step in transitioning from hobby writing to professional writing is…



From hobby to profession: How to turn your love for design into a career

How to Pursue Your Love of Designing to Launch Your Career Designing is much more than a simple hobby; it can be a career of a lifetime as well. The unique combination of creative problem-solving and technical know-how makes a career in design uniquely desirable, vibrant, and rewarding. From fashion and interior to webpage design, the range of opportunities is truly endless. Here is how you can turn your passion for designing into a successful…


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